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Parent Hub 

This is our Parent Hub Page where you will find all of the things that you will need in order to support your child with their journey at The Grange Academy. 

If you wish to contact us, please click here Contact Us

The Grange Academy Way- Parental agreement 

As listed on our Academy Life page you will be familiar with our Home school agreement document.  This is what we prefer to call 'The Grange Academy Way' all our key stakeholders have a part to play in making sure that our children experience the best opportunities that they can whilst they are with us at The Grange.  A reminder below of our parent commitment of 'The Grange Academy Way' 


Reporting Absence for your Child 

Why is attendance important?

Every day of education and indeed every lesson matters. Students who are persistently late or absent soon get behind with learning and then do not understand current lessons when they return.  Students who miss school frequently will undoubtedly have gaps in their learning which will impede their progress and future ability to engage in lessons. This in turn has a knock on effect for their ability to concentrate and for their behaviour.  Frequent absence has a profound and cumulative effect on achievement.

Reporting absence

If a pupil is unable to attend school due to an illness or other circumstances, parents/ carers should contact the school office between 8.15am-8.30am

The academy must report any unauthorised or continued absences to the Attendance Team in Hertfordshire, who will then contact the family directly to discuss reasons for the absence.

If a pupil is likely to be absent from school for a prolonged period, parents/ carers should speak to the academy to explain the situation.

Please see our attendance policy for a more detailed explanation. (More information lower down the this page)

Reporting a Safeguarding Concern

If you have a concern that a child or children are being harmed, are at risk of harm, or you receive a disclosure (intentionally or unintentionally), you must report it to us immediately, and we will take the appropriate next steps.
Who is the Designated Safeguarding Lead at TGA?

The Designated Safeguarding Lead at The Grange Academy is Mr Jon Nagle, Vice Principal  j.nagle@thegrange.futureacademies.org 

Please also visit our safeguarding page on the website for more information  Click Here

School Lunches and Parent Pay online cashless system

It is important to us that children eat well and as such our catering team 'Cucina' takes great care to provide healthy and balanced diets to our students.  The menus incorporate dishes from around the world to introduce our students to tastes and flavours that are both familiar and new to them. This is also enhanced by our 'Celebration' days where we will have a range of different items on sale. 

Parent Pay Cashless System

The Grange Academy is a cashless school. We use a secure online system called 'Parent Pay' which allows parents to access details of their son/daughter’s financial activity. All food is paid for using this system.  

To access the Parent Pay website please click here Click for Parent Pay

Student Medical Information

If a student has an accident or feels unwell they must tell a member of staff straight away. If they are too ill to remain in school, their parents/carers will be contacted by a member of our academy staff.  Students are not permitted to call home of their own accord.  They must speak to a member of staff in the first instance.  


Students are not permitted to carry medicine with them.  You should contact your child's Head of Year or the academy Welfare officer for information.   All inhalers and EpiPens should be labelled with your child’s name and class name and specific medical plans relating to their use should be completed with the support of the academy as necessary.


In the first instance you should refer to our behaviour policy for information.  You can find a link to this policy here.  

At The Grange Academy we expect our students to follow our expectations at all times.  Students at The Grange should be able to appreciate their lessons in a warm, friendly and safe environment. 

We acknowledge good behaviour with achievement points and other rewards. However, should a student not be able to support and demonstrate our core values of Knowledge, Aspiration and Respect then we will impose, clear sanctions for unacceptable behaviour. 


At The Grange Academy we promote a common anti-bullying approach in which we are supportive of each other, RESPECT provide positive role models and shared values, and are clear that we will not tolerate unacceptable behaviour.

If bullying is suspected or reported, the incident will be dealt with by members of our Pastoral Team.   

If you are concerned that your child could be experiencing bullying, please let us know as soon as you can and we will work together to resolve the situation.  Students are able to use our online reporting system if they feel that this would be a more suitable way for them to report information.  They can do this by emailing the address displayed below. 

 Parent Working Group

Our Parent Working Group is set up to develop relationships between the Academy and all Parents/Carers.  We regularly hold Parent Working Group meetings for parents to attend so you can hear our view and we can work with you to hear your views on various topics and issues that impact our children.  We always use your views to gain feedback on how the Academy can continue to grow. 

This year we will have held 6 PWG meetings which have included;

  1. Autumn Term 1 – Principal welcome, vision, and values 

  2. Autumn Term 2 – Curriculum and Assessment 

  3. Spring Term 1 – Communication and Reports 

  4. Spring Term 2 – Sanctions and Rewards 
  5. Summer Term 1 – Homework - took place Sum2
  6. Summer Term 2 – Enrichment 

If you have any further questions regarding the above then please email j.smith@thegrange.futureacademies.org  We look forward to developing our *new* programme for 2004/5

Booking for a Parents Evening 

At The Grange Academy, in order to make life a little easier we have an online booking system that allows you to book appointments electronically for any of our parent consultation evenings.  You will be sent information prior to the event but you can log into the booking site by clicking the button below. 

Parents Evening Booking



 We believe that PSHE and RSHE education plays a crucial role in preparing young people for the challenges and responsibilities they will face as they navigate through adolescence and beyond. By addressing topics such as mental health, relationships, consent, and personal safety, we aim to empower our students to make informed decisions and lead healthy, fulfilling lives.  

In 2023/4 we have conducted two parental consultations regarding the topics and delivery and on both occasions received positive feedback from parents.  We will continue to consult with you as we move into the new academic year 2024/5 once the Government have completed their consultation period on RSE.  

pshe for parents.pdf

Withdrawing children from relationships, sex and health education

You do have a right to withdraw your child from sex education delivered as part of RSE in secondary schools which, unless there are exceptional circumstances, will be granted up to three terms before your child turns 16. At this point, if the child themselves wishes to receive sex education rather than be withdrawn, the school should make arrangements for this to happen in one of the three terms before the child turns 16 - the legal age of sexual consent.   There is no right to withdraw from Relationships Education at secondary level and we believe the content of these subjects – such as family, friendship, safety (including online safety) – are important for all children to be taught.  

You are welcome to contact the following to discuss the programme content further:



You are also more than welcome to look at some of the help and guidance that we have put together for Parents and Students; 


 Inclusion (SEND)

At our academy, we believe in creating inclusive environments that aim to meet the needs of all students. 

We want to ensure that our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision offers appropriate support for those facing barriers to their learning. 

We provide support within all four broad areas of SEND:

  • Cognition and learning
  • Communication and interaction
  • Sensory and Physical
  • Social, emotional and mental health

Our school SENDCO, Jo Ricketts leads on the provision for students with SEND to ensure that it is of the highest standards. 

For information regarding SEND:  inclusion@thegrange.futureacademies.org

Free School Meals (FSM)

Your child can get a free school meal if you receive any of the following:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (as long as you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and you don't get more than £16,190 a year)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
  • Universal Credit (with annual earned income of no more than £7,400 after tax and not including any benefits you get).

Herts County Council

Attendance & Punctuality

Why is being on time important?

Every minute counts. If your child arrives late to school every day learning begins to suffer. It all adds up, being just 15 minutes late to school every day across the academic year is the equivalent of losing 10 days in the classroom!


What can you do to support your child's attendance

• Medical appointments - where possible book them outside of school hours.
• Family holidays - there are 175 days when students are not in school.
• Illness - Do not allow your child to have time off for minor complaints or illnesses: if they are well enough to be up and about they are generally well enough to attend school.
• Punctual - ensure your child arrives to school on time and ready to learn.

Attendance table

 Why is it so important? 

Attendance during one school year Equals days absent Which is approximately weeks absent Which means the number of lessons missed Absence over five years
95% 9 days 2 weeks 50 lessons ¼ year
90% 19 days 4 weeks 100 lessons ½ year
80% 38 days 8 weeks 200 lessons 1 year
70% 57 days 11½ weeks 288 lessons 1¼ years
60% 80 days 16 weeks 400 lessons 2 years
50% 100 days 20 weeks 500 lessons 2½ year