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The Grange Academy

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If you missed our Open Events and you would like the opportunity to visit The Grange Academy, please contact us we will be pleased to organise a tour for you.


“The Grange is an academy of high standards. That means that we offer the best in terms of a rigorous curriculum, which offers stretch and challenge to all pupils from their first day. This is dovetailed with a supportive offering which encompasses first class teaching in the classroom together with a network of measures to enable all students to reach their potential. Our holistic and personalised approach ensures that all students can succeed in developing their academic and character skills and traits. To ensure this we insist that every student joining the school has a 1:1 interview with a senior leader. This is followed by a baseline skills assessment to ensure that classes, subject choices and study groups are the right fit from the start.  For our admissions policy for 2023/24 please scroll to the end of this page. 

Every student will be linked to a peer buddy and within days of joining will have a trusted adult. Parental communication regarding the progress of your child is ongoing and feedback is consistently provided from day one. You will be invited to a welcome event within days of your child starting at the school, regular reports will communicate academic progress and pastoral links with the Form Tutor and Head of Year are maintained daily. 

We are not selective and do not hold any admissions tests.

This allows our open mornings and taster days to be open to all students from our local primaries and gives them a real insight into the exciting enrichment and curricular activities available.” 


Mr. D. Bryant

In Year Admissions

For in-year admissions and appeals please see our admissions arrangements policies at the bottom of this page.

Sixth form

For applications to our sixth form please contact admissions@thegrange.futureacadmies.org

Deadline for current Year 11 Grange Academy students:  You can still speak to one of out 6th form team if you need support with applications

Deadline for external Year 11 students
Contact our 6th form team directly for further information or use the email address above to enquire about options. 

Open events

Coming soon.... New dates for 2024/25 will be appearing soon. 

Open Evening: Tuesday 26 September 2023, 17:00-19.30

  • Year 6 open morning: Tuesday 3 October 2023, 08:40-10:15
  • Year 6 open morning: Thursday 5 October 2023, 08:40-10:15
  • Sixth form open evening: Thursday 9 November 2023, 17:00-19:30
  • Please find out 2023/24 schools prospectus at the bottom of this page.

The Grange Academy- Admissions arrangement 

The Grange Academy Prospectus 2023-24

Open Events at The Grange Academy 2023