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The Grange Academy

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Please use the menu on the right hand side to browse key information. 

Coming soon to our website will be our 'Student Hub'  This will contain all of the information that you will need to be able to support you with the day to day routines at the academy. 

Inclusion (SEND) 

At our academy, we believe in creating inclusive environments that aim to meet the needs of all students.

We want to ensure that our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision offers appropriate support for those facing barriers to their learning.

We provide support within all four broad areas of SEND: 

  • cognition and learning
  • communication and interaction
  • sensory and physical
  • social, emotional and mental health

Our school SENDCO leads on the provision for students with SEND, and works closely with other members of staff across Future Academies, to ensure that it is of the highest standards.  Our SENDCO is Ms Jo Ricketts  you are able to contact the department at inclusion@thegrange.futureacademies.org 


At TGA we have a House system where every student and every member of staff belongs to one of our 4 houses.  This system allows students to work towards creating healthy competition.  Students are able to earn achievement points for their house which culminates in our final award assembly of the year with a presentation of the House Trophy.  Our Houses, named after Greek Gods fitting with our love of classics and Latin. Each student is assigned a house on entry and is encouraged to earn Achievement Points.