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Mobile Phones

From September mobile phones must be out of sight, switched off, and stored in school bags at all times. There are no exceptions to this, under any circumstances. In a scenario where a student is found in possession of a mobile phone, the following process

First occasion: The student is issued with an Academy Detention and the phone is placed in storage, for collection at the end of the next school day. This means that if the device is confiscated on Monday, it will be returned to the student at the end of school on Tuesday, providing that the student attends the Detention.

Second occasion: The student is issued with an Academy Detention and the phone is placed in storage, but the mobile phone is not returned to the student until 5 school days later. This means that if the device is confiscated on Monday, it will be returned to the student at the end of school on the following Monday, providing that the student attends the Detention.

If a student refuses to hand over their phone when challenged, the student will be placed in Internal Exclusion, and will remain there until the mobile phone is handed over. When the mobile phone is handed over, the student returns to lessons, but the mobile phone is not returned to the student until 5 school days later. Where there are incidents of persistent breaches of the academy’s mobile phone policy, the school may look to escalate the sanctions issued accordingly.