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Year 6 to Year 7 Transition     

Welcome to Year 7 and welcome to The Grange Academy.  You are about to start a new journey.  We are here to help and support. 



See a copy of the letter we have sent to all of those of you joining us in September.  It will explain the process we will go through with you and your child on their interview day, plus our latest uniform offer

(all listed at the bottom of this page). 

Welcome from Mr Wride, Assistant Principal

Dear Parents/Carers and students,

It is with great pleasure that we are able to welcome you as a future "Grange Academy" student.  We are really pleased that you have chosen our Future Academies family for your future education, and we promise to do all we can to help you achieve your dreams over the next 5, or hopefully 7 years.  We hope that you are just as excited as we are to start our Year 7 adventure together.

There’s lots to do over the coming weeks, and we will be in touch with you by post, email and in person.  We will be adding all the information that we send out to this webpage that we hope will help you to get to know your new surroundings and give you a glimpse of all the exciting things we have waiting for you in September and beyond.

As the weeks move forward, you will find a few documents containing information that you may find useful.  We will be updating this page regularly over the coming weeks and therefore would encourage you to visit every so often.

For now though, please try not to worry about a thing.  Starting secondary school is a big change, but it is one that is exciting and full of opportunities, especially at The Grange Academy.  We will support you wholeheartedly in the way that is suited to what you need when you need it.

Mr J. Wride

Assistant Principal i/c of Transition 

 List of resources that may be of use for you and your child

At the bottom of the page you will find some resources to help you with the Transition process.  If you need any further information or support, we are here to help you. 

1) Transition Information Slide Show

2) Some FAQs as a starting point. 

3) A pupil guide to support them through the transition process.

4) A PowerPoint from the NHS exploring and managing change. 

5) How to wear a Tie!

Well done if you attended our Taster Evening in March.  You have completed the first part of your journey to The Grange Academy.  The next step is to attend your personal interview with a member of the Transition team on Wednesday 5th or Thursday 13th June 2024.  Your invite will be sent to you soon. 

From Primary to Secondary School

We are really looking forward to the prospect of your child becoming part of The Grange Academy family. Preparing for the move from primary to secondary school is very exciting but a little daunting. We work really hard to make sure that every child who joins us feels well-prepared. Students joining The Grange Academy all have the opportunity to build relationships with us and learn about the next stages of their education. We want to help them secure the best possible qualifications, as well as supporting them to develop their passions, talents and interests and grow to become even more valuable members of the community.

At The Grange, we have taken steps to ensure students come through our door as a Year 7 student ready and prepared for secondary school life. The work we do is vital in making the transition from primary to secondary education and building their confidence.

If you have any questions, please email  enquiries@thegrange.futureacademies.org, or you can contact us at the Academy on 0208 9509502.

Dates for your diary!

Welcome and Information Evening 2024

Thursday 14th March 2024, 6.00pm

Following the offer of secondary places which takes place nationally on 1st March 2024, we know that you will have lots of questions and will be eager to hear more from your child’s new school.   At The Grange we hold a Welcome and Information Evening for our new Year 7 parents and children to answer your questions and provide you with more information ahead of your child joining us in September 2024. This event will be held on Thursday 14th March 2024

Further details will follow nearer the time.

Social Media

Be sure to follow us on our social media channels, where we regularly post content on what the academy has to offer. Visit our Instagram and Twitter channels to stay up to date with what’s going on.

Here are some top tips for students joining us in Year 7

  • Go to transition and induction events, get to know a few people and see who is in your class. They may not turn out to be your new BFFs, but knowing a face in the crowd is a good feeling. And people will want to be friendly – you’re all new together.
  • Buy an alarm clock. Line Up is 8:30am, so if you have a long journey, you may have an early start.
  • Always eat some breakfast, even if you feel nervous.
  • If you’re wearing a blazer for the first time, don’t buy it too much bigger than you need. You will need to use your hands!
  • If you need to use a travel pass, make sure you apply for it in plenty of time – it may take a couple of weeks to come through, so don’t leave it until the end of the holidays.
  • Work out your route to school, whether you’re walking or taking public transport. Practise until you’re confident and time yourself. Also, make sure you have an alternative route in case of problems with transport or people you want to avoid. If it helps, draw a map.
  • If you can, find a friend to walk with on your first day. Things won’t seem so daunting if you can travel with someone.
  • Don’t call it ‘playtime’ – it’s ‘break’ now.
  • Work out how you’ll be paying for your lunch – we have a fingerprint system, make sure you’re topped up for your first day.
  • Try not to eat pizza every day.
  • Find out where the toilets are.
  • Make sure you turn your mobile phone off during school time. It must be out of sight and silent!
  • When you are given your timetable, make at least three copies: one for your bag, one for your pocket and a spare for home.
  • Be organised.
  • Go through your timetable and pack your bag the night before – there’s never time in the morning to find your maths book.
  • Visit the LRC/Library. It’s a great place to go if you want to do some homework or just avoid the playground.
  • Never be afraid to ask for help if you’re not sure where to go.
  • Relax and try to enjoy it – in no time at all, it’ll seem like you’ve been there forever. This time next year, you’ll be showing the new intake around the school.

Watch our clip below to see how important being part of Future Academies means to us.